This is the Midland 13-895, a combination AC/DC Mobile/Base 23 channel SSB/AM radio. This radio was about the size of, and was setup like, a typical mobile rig.  In fact, it was virtually identical to its sister rig the 13-893. The big difference was that the '895 also had a bit of a "hump" on the bottom chassis cover which contained  a built-in AC power supply so that it could be used as a base station without the need for an external supply.  Standard features included Volume, Squelch, Mic Gain, R.F. Gain, Mode Switch, and Clarifier. There were also switches for Tone hi/low, Noise Blanker and CB/PA. The S/R.F. meter was a typical mobile Uniden type which was fairly easy to read. It also turned red on transmit. This radio had an identical chassis to the Cobra 138/139 pair.

This radio was fairly popular in our local area.  Guys like Blue Bandit, Tank, Camaro Kid, Big Mac, and others ran them. They were good talkers and fairly easy to modify and repair.  One of the most popular mods for this radio was modifying the clarifier to move down 10 Khz, to reach the "R.C." channels. With that mod and the addition of Channel 22"A" in the blank spot, and this rig easily became a 31 channel radio.  Power output was usually better than 15 watts on SSB. AM carrier power could be adjusted by changing the value of the 10 watt resistor which dropped the voltage to the final and driver stages on AM.

I once thought that I would become the proud owner of one of these radios (I think it was the 13-893) back in 1975. A newcomer to the frequency, who was also a truck driver, had one and he couldn't resist telling everyone on the channel about the great deal that he got on it, which was $50.  This was a fantastic price for a new SSB radio, in the days when a radio like this retailed for well over $300.  When I expressed an interest, he then told me that he might be able to get more of them.  Being someone of limited funds at the time, and also someone who desperately wanted to make the leap into the world of SSB, I told him to get one for me.  But like the old saying: "something that sounds too good to be true, usually is", after a few weeks of hemming and hawing and a bunch of excuses, I finally realized that he was probably spinning a big B.S. story, or had bought a one time "hot" radio. I guess this guy never expected someone to take him up on the deal. Cest la vie.
