This is the Cobra 135 deluxe SSB base station. This was Cobra's top of the line CB radio in the early-mid 1970's.  It was a rather expensive piece, running in the mid $400 range in 1970's dollars.  It sported such standard features as  Volume, Squelch, R.F. Gain, and a synchronized transmit/receive "Voice Lock" (Clarifier).  Other features included a "digital" clock (with alarm!), a large S/RF meter with SWR function, push button illuminated mode selection, switchable Noise Blanker, and separate AM and SSB R.F. final stages. The whole thing was wrapped in a handsome wood-grained case, which made for an attractive piece of equipment, which could be at home in any operator's living room.

Receiver performance was decent, with good sensitivity and a cut above the norm in adjacent channel rejection, although the noise blanker wasn't terribly effective compared to newer designs.  Since this was an "older" design radio, manufactured to the lower power rules,  SSB power output maxxed out at about 15 watts. AM power would just make 4 watts carrier. Transmit audio was also good and clean, if you left the modulation limiter intact.  Removing the limiter would leave the modulation somewhat touchy, and hard to balance between punch and clarity.  Like other radios of the time, there were many modifications which could be performed to enhance performance. This radio could be made to move many channels by simply changing one oscillator crystal. The common mod was to add 2 crystals, which yielded a +/-30 channel range (23 normal channels plus the RC's and channels 24 and 25), which was usually good enough for most people. Those who wanted more usually opted for a Siltronix model 90 (Or equivalent)  VFO.  Clarifier mods were also popular.  This model radio found a loyal following among some of our locals, including Steve, Al, Cactus, "Uncle" Chuck, Art, Circuit Breaker, and others.  On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate this radio about a 7.

The radio pictured, came into my collection as payment for some other repairs.  It is 100% functional, except for some dirty controls.

