This is how my station looked in 2015.  The neatness that showed in 2003 is slowly disappearing (again!). At this point I am fully into my nostalgia phase and I've been adding to my vintage radio collection over the last several years, although what you see here is only a portion of my total collection.   I outgrew my earlier 2003 "shack" and have moved to another room which is a little larger and laid out better for my needs. On the far left, it looks similar to 2003, as I hadn't obtained any more ham equipment since. What is new at my main operating station is a Galaxy 2547, which I traded a local for. It is, by far, my newest CB radio. The rest are at least 30+ years old. I've since modified it for HiFi audio complete with a 7 band EQ. Above that, is the Realistic TRC-451, which is still hanging (literally) in there since I mounted it there more than 15 years prior. On the very top on my hutch is my somewhat obsolete Realistic scanner, 2m HT a vintage dial telephone (it works!), and a Royce 1-640, which was the receiver for my streaming audio server. In the middle can be seen a sampling of some of my vintage radios, including a Cobra 2000, Pearce Simpson Simba, Midland 13-898b, Cobra 139, SBE Console II, Midland 13-885, Hy-Gain 623, Realistic TRC-30a. To the right is my test bench equipped with an assortment of test equipment. In the foreground is a Lafayette Telsat SSB-140, which I had just tuned up for a friend.

