This is the "famous" Yaesu FT-101 series. This series of radio had to be one of the most popular and best selling of any H.F. ham radio during the 70's.  This model was manufactured as a series of progressive versions starting with the "plain" FT-101, and finally ending with the FT-101ZD.  This model radio was also offered as different sub versions depending on which factory options were included.  The radio pictured here is a "EE" version/subversion, which meant that it was an "E" version which did not have the optional R.F. speech processor installed from the factory. This radio was equipped with the typical features found on most H.F. ham radios, including A.F. gain (A fancy term for "Volume"), R.F. gain, Mic Gain, R.I.T., band switching, mode selection, and output tuning controls.  A large, and easy to read, multi-function meter rounded out the list of features.  One familiar control (to CB operators) that is conspicuously absent though, is a squelch.  Most early low band ham radios did not employ a squelch control, since they were primarily used on CW and SSB, which typically have such low noise floors that a squelch becomes unnecessary.  But for those who used this rig on AM, this feature was sorely missed at times.   This radio was of a hybrid design, with the vast majority of the functionality provided by solid state circuitry. Transmitter power output was achieved by solid state oscillators feeding a 12BY7A driver tube into a pair of 6JS6C output tubes. This combination was good for greater than 100 watts output on 10/11 meters on SSB or CW. AM carrier power was adjustable but it shouldn't be set to more than 30 watts, if you wanted to maintain full modulation percentage.  One of the biggest reasons for the popularity of this radio though, was its compatibility with high performance CB'ers. This radio came with 11 meters factory installed, up until the late "E" version and "F" version.  It also included the AM mode, and unlike most other brands of H.F. rigs, it actually sounded good!  While the use of this radio on the CB band was illegal as heck, that fact didn't stop thousands of people (including me) from owning one at one time or another. This was the rig to own, when Browning Golden Eagles and Tram D-201's, just didn't do it for you any more, or if you spent a good amount of time on SSB, but didn't want to sacrifice good audio quality on AM.  Yaesu offered many options, including a 6 Khz wide crystal I.F. filter for improved AM receive fidelity, a digital frequency display, external VFO, external speaker, and more.  Yaesu also offered a matching FL-2100 amplifier, for that little extra kick. More than a few people in my local area had a 101 at one time or another, including Steve, Lamplighter, Circuit Breaker, Diesel Doctor, and my father-in-law. There have been aftermarket companies, and even a few clubs, which have sprung up to offer performance accessories, and to provide tips and support for this still very popular radio.

I picked up mine in 1982, and used it until 1984, when it was sold to make room for the new solid state FT-757GX.  On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate this as an 8. It was a workhorse that performed well for the many people who owned them.
