Other sites which cater to "the good old days" in radio:


Grumpy's Olde Time Radio Forum : The best forum on the net for vintage CB radio discussions and info.

Retrocom:  A look back at an even earlier time period in the CB experience.  Covers mostly the 1960's, and the earliest tube-type radios.

Woody's World of CB: Another old time CB'er recounts his experiences. Covers late 60's thru today.

Night Ranger's CB Page: Another tribute page from someone who had a frighteningly similar experience to what I had with CB.

CB Radio Memories : Shadow 7 and Unit 17's tribute to the heyday of CB radio, in the Clifton NJ. area.

ReelRadio: Caters to preserving the "Top 40" broadcast radio era. Air checks from famous (Or infamous) DJ's from the 60's and 70's.

Philaradio: A radio fan page, dedicated to Philadelphia's two top AM radio broadcast stations in the 1960's, and the talent who made them.


