Little Bear was another mentally challenged individual, who added yet another wrinkle in an already tenuous peace on Channel 29 in the mid 90's. Like Racoon, Little Bear was a little short on comprehensive ability and no matter how much he was ridiculed, threatened, jammed, ignored, or whatever, he just wouldn't go away.  He just didn't get it.  It was like each day was a brand new start for him.  Whatever nasty confrontations or ridicule that might have happened the day before, he either forgot it, or just refused to accept it, and he'd be back like nothing had happened.   He had the mind of a small child, and would indiscriminately key on top of other people to make some inane comment. If we weren't talking directly to him, he felt that it was ok to key up and talk, no matter what other conversations were going on.  Some of the people who lived near him tried a bunch of different tactics to deal with him. Direct verbal threats did no good. Face to face confrontations only got a silly look and a laugh. He obviously thought the whole thing was a big game.  Another guy sat in front of his house all night with 500 watts running in the hope that he'd wipe out the whole block and have it blamed on Little Bear, which would hopefully result in him being forced off of the radio.  He was given the nickname "Vegetable Boy" as a put down to his mental state.  Lest it appear that we were being insensitive or overly cruel, we did what we did, only after we just couldn't take him anymore.  After all this, one had to wonder where his parents were during all of the conflicts. Well one night, after things got unusually heated, his mother grabbed the mike and started lambasting us for the treatment her son was getting. Even after trying to explain how disruptive he was, that we just didn't like the kid, and how us CB'ers were not his babysitters, she continued to give us grief.  It was then that the light of revelation lit up brightly, and I realized that his condition must have been hereditary.  Little Bear hung in there pretty much to the end, and was still around when I moved out of the area in 1999.


I really would like to smack all of those parents of "troubled" children, who bought them CB radios as a form of therapy......