The N3CVJ Repeater         


The N3CVJ repeater is a 220 Mhz repeater currently running on a frequency of 224.200 in Skippack Pa., a small village about 10 miles NW of Norristown, Pa.  It is comprised of a homebrew transmitter and receiver (Scavenged from a Midland 13-509), a T-E Systems 120 watt amplifier, a TX/RX duplexer, and a NHRC-10 controller. A Hustler G7 antenna tops out the system.  Average height above sea level is in the 350 foot range, The repeater has been on the air since 1988, and is currently at it's 3rd location, having been originally located in West Conshohocken, for about 8 years, and in Fairview Village for the  next 8 years. The repeater shares a site with, and is linked to the AA3RE 6 meter repeater on 51.94 Mhz.


