This is the Antenna Specialists "StarDuster" omni-directional antenna. This antenna was one of the most popular, and also probably one of the most hyped antennas back in the mid 70's.  Its basic construction was nothing more than a 1/4 wave ground plane (9 foot radiator, and 3- 9 foot radial elements), yet A/S claimed a gain figure of 5 dbi for it.  Despite this seeming inconsistency and likely embellishment of spec's, many people bought into the gain hype and ran them.  This only goes to reinforce the notion that many CB operators would believe almost anything they read.  On the plus side though, this antenna required no loading or matching coils, and would hold a low SWR over a fairly wide band of frequencies.  The SWR would also not change in rainy weather (A common problem with coil matched 1/2 and 5/8th wave ground plane antennas). The lack of matching coils also permitted some fairly high power to be run through it.  Mechanically, there wasn't much wind loading so therefore it ended up being a fairly sturdy antenna, with the exception of the fiberglass spreaders on the elements and the vertical radiator stud in the hub. These weak points would become apparent when the antenna was exposed to too many years of high winds and ice storms.  In more temperate environments, this antenna would last for many years.

Like most other aluminum omni directional antennas, this one disappeared from the market in the 80's due to liability issues resulting from electrocutions at the hands of dim-witted people, who didn't have the common sense to know not to put up a metal antenna near live power lines. There have been some imported copies made, and while physically the same, they are made with even thinner aluminum and are much flimsier.

There were many people in my area who ran this antenna. Many more than I can list.
