Wildcat was a member of the Channel 18 group in the 1975 timeframe. I generally considered him to be the de-facto "leader" of this gang, as he was the station with the strongest signal. Wildcat lived on the top of Belmont Hills, overlooking the infamous Schuylkill Expressway (I-76, Locally known as the "Sure-Kill Distress-way"), which ran from center city Philadelphia, out to the suburbs.  He had an Avanti Moonraker 4 and several hundred watts of tube amp power, which were the ingredients for a recipe ripe for getting people's attention. Wildcat also fancied himself as a radio D.J. wannabe as, in addition to his CB station, he also operated a low power (but still illegal) AM broadcast station, which could be heard up to a few miles away from his home.  His D.J. aspirations also spilled over on the CB, as his favorite method for jamming a channel, was to play music on it.


I'm not sure exactly what precipitated the feud which developed between our channel (Channel 11/10), and the guys on 18. It may have had something to do with the truckers leaving Channel 10 for 19. We were sending the stray truckers up to 19, and the channel 18'ers, who were now cursed with a ton of adjacent channel bleed over, were trying to send them back to Channel 10, which we had moved to. In any case we ended up at odds and had to endure many nights of Wildcat's "music appreciation".  Fortunately for us, despite his power and signal potential, he was too far away from our area to affect most of us (Who lived less that a mile apart in most cases). The next step was mobile agitation, which occurred on both sides of the fence. The final irony to the whole deal was when we finally met face to face. The guy with the biggest signal turned out to also be the guy with the smallest physical stature.  He barely came up to the bottom of my neck in height, and I was still a scant 15 years of age at the time.  Eventually we mended the fence and managed to get along fairly well after that. Wildcat sold out of CB less than a year later.  Some rumors circulated that the FCC had popped him for his AM broadcast station, but I can't verify it.  In any case, a piece of Wildcat managed to find itself into my neighborhood.  His Moonraker 4 ended up being purchased by a guy down the street from me, who was a part of the Channel 15 group, who bought it for the sole purpose of pointing it away from me to reduce the bleed over.