This is the Midland 13-862b, A bare bones, "3 knob", 23 channel entry level radio available in the mid 1970's. It featured a plastic case, a unique top level channel selector and meter windows and a TX indicator light. These were designed to provide better visability when mounted under the dash in a car. This would not be the radio to have in an overhead truck mount situation. Controls included the very basic Volume, Squelch, and 23 channel selector. A PA function was available by clicking the Squelch control full counterclockwise. This radio made some inroads into our early CB group due to the low price. Offered for $89.95 in the 1974 Henshaw's Catalog, it was a perfect candidate for our cash strapped kids group looking to break into the realm of full channel radios. As a result, at least 2 of our group, Uncle Albert and Nighthawk, ended up owning one of these as their first rigs, and they put many hours of conversations and other radio nonsense on them. Performance was not bad for an entry level radio, and modulation really woke up with the addition of a preamplified microphone. The hand-held Turner +2 was a popular choice.

I came across one of these radios in the late 90's, when it was given to me in a box of parts radios. As can be seen, the top decal bezel is missing, but otherwise the radio is in working condition. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate it at a 4. It was not a super great performer, but it was ok as a starter radio.


