This is the Cobra 2000 GTL, probably one of the most popular 40 channel base stations ever made. This model was introduced in the late 70's and knocked the Cobra 135 from the top spot as Cobra's top of the line model.   40 years have gone by, and this radio is still popular today, and is still commanding a premium price, although now more as a "classic" radio than as a "premium" radio.

This radio was loaded with features, some useful, others just bells and whistles.  Besides the standard features you would expect to find on any radio such as; Volume, Squelch, R.F. Gain, Mic Gain, and Mode Switch, this radio also included a coarse and fine Clarifier.  Also included was not one, but two large meters, one for "S" and RF functions, and the other for SWR and modulation monitoring. Also included were a plethora of indicator lights, which indicated mode, as well as whether you were transmitting or receiving, a Tone control, and switchable functions such as SWR/modulation, ANL, Noise Blanker, CB/PA, and external speakers. But by far the feature which commanded the most "ooohs" and "aaahs", was the combination LED Digital Clock and Frequency Counter. The clock included an alarm function and would work in either 12 hour or 24 hour formats. The frequency counter not only worked on transmit, it also indicated receive frequency, and with 100 hz resolution, and was a first for a domestic CB radio. Interestingly, the radio did not have a self contained speaker. The 2000 utilized a matching external speaker, and had the capability to add a 2nd for a "stereo-like" experience.

With so many cool features, some of which just begged to be used beyond the constraints of the legal 40 channels, you would think that this radio would be very modification friendly.  Indeed, compared to newer designs, it was.  But it was not as mod friendly as the older Uniden upd-858 chassis. Instead it used the "newer" design MB-87XX chassis, which fell a bit short on total PLL frequency capabilities. In fact, the Cobra 2000 used the even more limited MB-8734 PLL, which was virtually identical to the MB-8719 except it had half the capability (64 vs. 128 channels). To make the most of this radio's PLL required the chip to be swapped out with the '8719, and some method of switching the 11 Mhz mixer crystals needed to be employed in order to cover from 26 to 28 Mhz.  Not an impossible task, but certainly not as easy as similar modifications were on the '858 rigs.

On the plus side though, the dual clarifier opened up nicely, and could easily cover any gaps in frequency. With the frequency counter to tune by, it kept the operator from getting lost.  Power output held up throughout most of a reasonable frequency range. SSB power could reach 20 watts, while AM carrier power was adjustable. Modulation was strong and clean, on both AM and SSB.

There were a few 2000's in use among the locals in our area.  Cactus bought one when they first came out and retired his Cobra 135.  He swore that this was the best radio ever made.  Uncle Jimmy picked up one as a deal, and he stated that the thing got all sorts of bleed over. His continual belittling of his radio (and by extension Cactus's) may have contributed to their feud.  Other people in the area also owned 2000's over the course of time, including Steve (Shamrock), and others. I managed to pick one up as a near basket case from a local for a cheap price to add to my growing classic radio collection. The story of my restoration of this gem can be found here .
