Snow White (Nancy), was a popular member of the Channel 6 group, which ran in the mid to late 70's.  She was the mother of 3 daughters and a son, and she was pretty much like a second mother to me, as well as a few of the other local teens at the time.  She was instrumental in keeping most of us in line, which is probably why our behavior was a bit more reserved and toned down during the Channel 6 days, compared to Channel 10 and then later on, Channel 13.  She was always pleasant and cheerful, and people were always visiting her for some conversation along with a cool, refreshing glass of Ice-Tea, or a dish of homemade applesauce.  Her husband (44-44) was also kind enough to pull some strings which helped me land my first full time job at a company where he was a quality control manager.


Snow White and some of her family were members in the Montgomery Country CB club and were active participants. I vividly recall one humorous incident where Snow White showed up at one of the club sponsored Halloween parties dressed as "Big Bird" of Sesame Street fame.  She also hung in there with us at the Christmas parties, the camping trips, bowling parties, and the canoe trip, as well as our club sponsored volleyball league.  She also tried (vainly) to get my mother to come out of her shell and join in the fun, but not even Nancy's charm could entice my mother into becoming interested in my radio-related activities and friends.


Nancy's radio setup consisted of a Lafayette HB-23 mobile radio with a hand-held stock mike mounted on the Lafayette matching power supply, with an A/S Starduster mounted on a pole next to her garage.  She was pretty much a regular fixture on the channel throughout most of the 70's, finally dropping slowly out of the scene by the early 80's.  She was certainly one of the people who was sorely missed.


Today: Many years (at least 10 or more) have gone by since I last saw Nancy and her husband Rich.  He's long since retired, but I believe that they still live in the same house. They've got to be getting pretty old by now. I hope they are still in good health.